Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council
502 Millbrook Ave., Randolph, NJ 07869-3799 • Tel: 973.989.7059 Fax: 973.989.7076
What is the MCCPC Exchange?
Posted: 20 October 2007 04:08 PM
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2007-03-13

The MCCPC Exchange is a forum where our member agencies can post equipment/services they are looking to share or search for equipment/services that they need.

Think of the MCCPC Exchange as a matchmaker (not that kind!) for municipalities, school districts, counties and other government entities. Its purpose is to bring together likely candidates from our membership whose agencies may benefit from the sharing of equipment or services.

Need something for Parks & Recreation? Tired of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on equipment that sits idle for months, knowing that your fellow MCCPC members could utilize it and share the costs and maintenance? Look no further! The MCCPC Exchange can help you save time and money.

The MCCPC Exchange is a public forum and may be viewed by anyone in the universe but only registered MCCPC members are able to post. See? Membership does have its privileges!

Interested in adding a forum category? Have an innovative shared services concept that will excite our members? .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this e-mail address)!

If you are a member agency and are having difficulty resetting your password or logging in to the Exchange, it may be that we have an incorrect e-mail address for you on file. Uh…whoops. We can have you up and running in no time though if you .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this e-mail address) and let us know.

Disclaimer: piglet rocks!
All messages posted at the MCCPC Exchange express the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council, the Township of Randolph (lead agency), or administrators/hosts of this site. In other words, play nice!

As a member of the MCCPC, you agree not to post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, or that violate any laws. Individuals who do so will be permanently banned and publicly flogged. The MCCPC reserves the right to remove, edit, or move any messages for any reason.


Randolph Township
